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Great Results Pressure Washing Concrete in Decatur Alabama

Great Results Pressure Washing Concrete in Decatur Alabama

We were contacted by the awesome folks at Chicken Salad Chick to clean their outside guest area. They wanted it done pretty quickly, so we arranged to do it before they opened so we didn't intrude on any of their customers' dining experience. We pressure washed the exterior dining area using a special pre and post-treatment to ensure the area was clean.

We apply the pre-treatment to tackle the dirt and grime. It also starts killing any organics that are on the concrete. After we allow the pre-treatment to work, we use our commercial-grade surface cleaner to blast away all the stuff that makes the concrete look dingy. We follow that up with a good rinse of the entire surface to ensure we have pushed all the grime off our cleaned surface.

We then apply our post-treatment. These specifically blended chemicals get deep into the pores of the concrete to eliminate any remaining organics that could cause the concrete to start looking dirty faster. The customer is extremely happy with the results.

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Products Used

Pressure Washer and Surface Cleaner

Ready To Get Started? Call Your Trusted Huntsville Pressure Washing Company Today!